The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68495   Message #2692466
Posted By: GUEST,Claudine
02-Aug-09 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Sega, Sega Mastu Ciccio (Italian)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: italian song: zega zega
We recently found relatives of ours in Italy (near Naples). During the course of our visit, we asked them if they knew the "Zega, Zega" song (at that time we thought it started with a Z). They proceeded to sing it to us! It was passed down in our American Italian family phonetically, but our Italian cousins gave us the proper wording:


Sega sega mastu' ciccio
ca' panella e co' sasiccio
o' sasiccio 'ncio' mangiamme
'a panella 'ncia' stipamme
'ncia' stipamme 'ndo' tiraturo
fuje (insert baby's name here) co' sorice 'nculo!