The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8395   Message #2693303
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Coltman
04-Aug-09 - 02:46 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Salvation Army/Throw a Nickel on the Drum
Subject: RE: Origins: Salvation Army/Throw a Nickel on the Drum
Thanks to a late-niter and with co-credit to the talents of my crackerjack researcher wife, I believe I can trace back "Throw (Put, Place, etc.) A Nickel On The Drum" to its origins as a gospel song.

I'll take it in stages. The first clue came from a songbook privately published in 1928—the earliest version I've so far found in print. It has only a number, no title. You'll notice the lone verse is different—a pointer to gospel origin.

[Throw a Nickel On the Drum
(Salvation Army Song)]

From A Collection of Sea Songs and Ditties of from the Stores of Dave E. Jones, 1928,

Monday I am happy, Tuesday full of joy,
Wednesday there's a peace within the Devil can't destroy,
Thursday and Friday I'm walking in the light,
Saturday is a heavenly day and so is Sunday night.

[line apparently missing: Hallelujah, hallelujah?]
Throw a nickel on the drum, throw a nickel on the drum,
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
Throw a nickel on the drum and you'll all be saved.

From this came the discoveries that follow (next message).   Bob