The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122684   Message #2693430
Posted By: Bobert
04-Aug-09 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: I am gone
Subject: RE: I am gone
Now, listen here, Oldster...

Just take a few days off and come on back... Hey, this is the innernet and for the most part folks is purdy okay.... Yeah, some are jerks but that's life...

Yeah, the jerks have pounded on me over the years here and at another site I go to but in the final anaylsis, who the "f" cares??? It's their blood pressure and karma... Not ours... Stand up for what you believe, fight them when ***you like*** and if you ain't the mood then ignore 'um... All they want is to get you to react because most of them are eat up with emotional and psychological problems... You ain't and I ain't... Their problem, not yours...

Like I said, take a few days off... Don't let the sociopaths run you away... Don't gove them that power... Underneath it all these folks are not all that tough.... They really are cowards and that's why the innernet is the perfect place for them to ***play*** bully... In the real world these people are punks and whimps...

That's the real deal... That's why they hide beneath their little handles... That's why they don't have any transparancy... That's why they don't attend Getaways...
