The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122684   Message #2693538
Posted By: Gweltas
04-Aug-09 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: I am gone
Subject: RE: I am gone
Come back to us soon and just please ignore the smart-ass hackers. They are pathetically sad people who are so desperate for attention that, if they can't get positive attention ..... negative attention is fine by them. The only solution is to deny them the satisfaction of knowing that their actions have caused hurt, or even been noticed. They so absolutely HATE not be noticed !!
I once had the unpleasant experience, as a moderator in an otherwise well behaved and polite chat room, when some little dirt bag came in to the room , using an oh so subtle "tweak" on my own chat nickname and began using the most agressive and obscene language to all in there. I kicked him/her out, but he/she kept coming back in, so we agreed to close the chat room and I stayed off line for a week. It was really weird and upsetting to see my "false double" being so offensive to people that I respected.
Such maliciously personal attacks are shocking, very hard to deal with emotionaly, and leave one feeling angry and vulnerable. You have my sincere sympathy.
I would also like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I have enjoyed your songs, your singing, and your posts, and I fervently hope it will not be long till we all welcome you back into Mudcat fold.
Best Wishes and God bless,
Anne XX