The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122684   Message #2693676
Posted By: irishenglish
04-Aug-09 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: I am gone
Subject: RE: I am gone
As a mudcatter who hasn't been around much recently, and a facebook member, and a mudcat on facebook member, and as a supporter of several causes on facebook I am certainly dismayed. I would certainly argue vigilance for the facebook mudcat moderators, or just delete the group and start it up in the near future. LH, I'm sorry, but I can't let your statement go...beautiful the thought may be. If we never took contrary positions with those we disagree with, even those that are entrenched in their viewpoint, things would be pretty bleak LH. Sometimes you need to fight, or at least argue, and come at people again and again with your thoughts and evidence, let them come at you with theirs, and then come at them even harder if you believe YOURS is the just opinion. I am dismayed by this BNP stuff, but I will not run with my tail between my legs for fear that it makes THEIR cause look stronger.

Secondly, I agree with those seeking a no guest posting rule. SOmething else I proposed once, and which virtually every other forum of any type I have been on has, is the word moderator next to a moderator's name, so that when a moderator is engaged in a thread, potential troublemakers are aware that their post ain't gonna be there for long, or might scare them away altogether. What's the point of having a username and a password to sign in with when I could just call myself a name, post something inflammatory, then log out, call myself another name and post something even more inflammatory? Nothing personal to any moderators and what have you...but this system is flawed. I have seen these kinds of discussions on here before, and nothing gets changed, just the same old issue a warning, and delete a post. How about someone tell us why hard changes aren't made at mudcat? I'm sorry, no disrespect intended, but when I see stuff like this after being away for a bit, it makes me wonder why I still click mudcat on my favs. I do click it because I enjoy the discussions, even get enjoyment out of butting heads with people from time to time, something I would like to continue.