The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122684   Message #2693682
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Aug-09 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: I am gone
Subject: RE: I am gone
"Sometimes you need to fight, or at least argue"

Yes. Sometimes you do, and a Taoist will do that, but only when it's genuinely necessary for clear practical reasons, not for the emotional satisfaction. Taoism is a very practical philosophy that way.

So do it when it's necessary. For sure. But....don't make it a full-time emotional habit, that's all. If you see what I mean.

Many people lose themselves in emotionally-based conflicts, and it becomes the dominant feature of their lives. I think that's what Lao-Tse had in mind when he advised seeking positive actions of one's own rather than engaging in continual negative battles with "enemies".

If you look for enemies in the'll always find them. Guaranteed. That's probably the key error that lies at the heart of fascism (and of all oppressive philosophies)...the determination to seek out, find, and destroy various supposed "enemies".

It's used to justify extremism and hostility of every kind. It's used to justify torture, brutality, accusation, murder, condemnation, slander, war, hatred...and also extreme self-righteousness in the pursuit of a supposedly holy cause or creed. Such attitudes are dangerous, and in the end they are self-defeating. The end, though, can take a long time coming, and a lot of good people will get hurt before it comes.