The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101408   Message #2693807
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
04-Aug-09 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: Catters on Facebook
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook

So, just out of interest, I googled 'Lizzie Cornish Facebook' to see how many pages came up (I only have one, but I know of one fake Facebook ID, there may be more)....and this site came up as No 2 on the list:


It seems I've 3 more myspace pages than I thought, that I'm also either 24 or 103, have only Tom as my 'friend' AND...apparently, I visit an Over 40s social site er...undercover!

Gee whizz, I must do that in my sleep....and I sure as hell hope that I'm dressed half way decent in my undercover garments, because I have no recollection of doing that at all...YIKES! Senior moments in Social Sites...I guess it comes to us all, huh! LOL

'They've' also traced a myspace page I was thinking of doing called The Folk Clubs of England, but it never went any further than the title and how they tracked that one I've no idea, as it was never 'released' into the great wide world...

You guys should try googling your names with 'Facebook' after it, in the same way, and see what happens. Maybe you're all undercover with me, and we're all having one helluva time socially networking in the nuddy together!

Ain't the internet weird?

But I'm very pleased to see that the word SMILIE is showing up in the link words to me, as is Seth Lakeman..although 'They Who Must No Longer Be Mentioned' won't be too pleased!   ;0)