The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122684   Message #2693844
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
04-Aug-09 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: I am gone
Subject: RE: I am gone
I play Facebook games, and am always looking for extra 'FBFriends' for participants in these games (even trying to con mudcatters to join... !!!!). Consequentially, I have added a large number of people I don't really know, and have mostly minimal contact with, except for a few nice people I discovered in one particular game. However, I have deleted many such after they started making nasty public comments, or invited me to nasty groups.

Among the many was an obviously fascist group of rabidly anti-arab people who claim that their particular mythical sky fairy insists that they alone can live on a particular piece of ground, and that they must drive away or murder every one else, for instance - the BNP is not the only group of nasties trying to manipulate Facebook. I was only able to react after their behaviour had alerted me.

I am also reminded of a recent particular nasty guy who tried to cause Facebook problems by pestering members here to shut down discussion on a particular topic related to things he appeared to be making money from. He had boasted that he had previously had such things removed from other forums due to his bullying, so it obviously works. Of course, when he started on me, I had all the addresses at my fingertips to lodge complaints with.... :-) Eventually, max had to shut him down here...

I do generally support max and his methods, but I have always said that unlimited anon posting here was likely to cause problems... we were eventually purged of some allegedly great muso (who had to have HIS public identity protected) who been apparently intentionally offensive for a long time, only after he started making personal gutter attacks on my mother...