The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122323   Message #2693944
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
04-Aug-09 - 11:03 PM
Thread Name: Did Quakers Bugle?
Subject: RE: Did Quakers Bugle?
Just finished reading "The Friendly Persuasion". Thanks for the tip InOBU.

A bit like the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, but better (IMHO).

Given my age and stage in life, I was fascinated by the way the seemingly-unrelated chapters tracked through the life of the Birdwells - from young parents to old empty nesters. Many of the chapters were very O Henry. Not all sweetness and light.

And there was a lot of music - in different degrees of suppression and exultation.

And, I presume it is fiction, but the stories certainly and emphatically reinforce mattkeen's observation that trying to characterize Quakers is herding cats.

Funniest chapter is the buggy race to meeting! (with the female preacher in the lead buggy). Almost peed my pants.

OMG, I'm doing "Oprah's Book Club" talk. AAAARRRRGGGGHHH.