The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122598   Message #2694514
Posted By: catspaw49
06-Aug-09 - 12:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spaw Ain't been cussing lately
Subject: RE: BS: Spaw Ain't been cussing lately just blow me and y'all can go fuck yourselves.

Geeziz.......what a bunch of jackleg motherfuckers. Y'all are totally pathetic. It shows I guess just how gawddamn bad the BS has become on the 'Cat that the favorite thing most of you are posting to is this simpleass thread! Yeah, means you! What the hell kind of thread is this anyway? It seems like all of you are sitting around individually and collectively jacking each other and yourselves off while you await the arrival of a pivot man for your friggin' circle jerk! Trust me on this one...I ain't the fuckin' guy you're waiting on!

Some of you stupid cocksuckers are so damn dumb you must be twins.......I'm sure your parents must have had SOME children who lived but if you're it, then Thanksgivings are probably depressing as hell for them, not to mention birthdays or whatever they call the day your ass hatched!

Leading that group is probably Hawk who has lost whatever little is left of his mind in his conquest to create some nasty storyline about the great Cheech.....Actually it was over for Hawk long ago when his Winona fixation became so deeply ingrained he blurted out that she was so fine he'd like to suck her Daddy's dick. As for Amos, he went over the edge long ago too when living out in the land of fruits and nuts made him follow in kind and now whatever bullshit he spits out is in that whatever ta' hell ya' fuckin' call it, California Drivelspeak.

I estimate the Jagov Factor on this thread to be 97 out of a possible 100.

I could and probably should go on and address the rest of this collection of dumbfucks but what would be the point? Y'all need to get a fuckin' grip on something that ain't your genitals before your the hair on your hands gets long AND GRAY! My best suggestion would be that all of us do our damndest to get Dan's pathetic but well meaning ass back here and we move on to better threads like we used to run back in the day...............

...........and I don't think I once used either brokedick or mamalucca even when I have never seem so many gathered together in one place!
