The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2694795
Posted By: Richard Bridge
06-Aug-09 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
That is rather a shame: MauvePink pretty well immediately re-posted to reclaim the post, and it was a well-put one of medium length and some delicacy of expression. It would be onerous to require her to re-post by hand in the circumstances.

THer are two different kinds of "hate-crime" inthe UK. They are not my field of expertise.

First there are factors that by statute aggravate another crime - for example racially aggravated assault.

Then there are purely speech-crimes - for example "incitement to racial hatred" - and some of the ones dealing with speech about terrorism go quite a bit further than that.

I don't know if it had been repealed but it used to be treason under the Treason Act to "compass the ravishment of the sovereign's daughter" so that saying "Cor I fancy that Princess Anne" would have been a bit risky!