The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23969   Message #269502
Posted By: catspaw49
01-Aug-00 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: Seamus Kennedy Kicks Ass
Subject: Seamus Kennedy Kicks Ass
Several 'Catters had mentioned how much they enjoyed Seamus and I had never heard him. When I noted that in a thread, Seamus responded with an offer of CD's. I said sure, love to hear you.

Now folks, I was expecting a CD or two and was looking forward to sampling the boy. What I GOT was the Seamus COLLECTION!!!! I found a box on my porch and it weighed a ton. My first thought was, this idiot must pack with lead or something, but inside I found all of his CD's. Seamus....a public thank you for your generosity!!!!

I didn't respond til now, because I've been listening for days and was kinda' wanting to write a review of sorts, but that ain't happening. The only review that is needed is simple............

You can't go wrong with Seamus Kennedy!!!!

I thought about writing a Meebo post, you know...SEAMUS RULES........or something. Frankly, he doesn't rule....he just plain kicks ass with some of the most enjoyable listening and good humor you will find. Da' Big Shamu is one whale of an entertainer and a top notch musician. Nuff said!!!
