The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122697   Message #2695518
Posted By: salrog
07-Aug-09 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Req: A Sailor's Greeting
Subject: RE: Tune Add: 'A Sailor's Greeting'
AH!!! Claire Thank you soooooo much. I'm in Norhtport, MI where my mom grew up. I happened to bring my printer with me, so I can even print out p. 46 of the Minnesota heritage songbook! I can't believe that you found it!! You were definitely dogged in your search. I owe you! My sister and I will learn it this week to sing at the memorial on the 14th. Wow! I'm blown away! Ain't the Internet grand? And what a small world it is!

Thanks again,