The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122219   Message #2695553
Posted By: CarolC
07-Aug-09 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
It was never intended for the draft sent to the CBO to be the final version. That's the whole point of sending things to the CBO. Their function is to go over the mumbers of various ideas and give their feedback so the lawmakers can shape law that will make economic sense. Those who are using the CBO report as proof that Obama's health care proposals are too expensive are being very dishonest, since the CBO report was in reference to an imcomplete bill. There were aspects of the overall approach that Congress is taking and that Obama advocates that were not included in the draft bill that the committee in question sent to the CBO that, when included, produce very different results.