The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2695882
Posted By: Emma B
07-Aug-09 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
An interesting point.

For those unfamiliar with the murder of Sophie Lancaster in 2007 referred to by mauvepink Wiki does an adequate summary here

'..discussion of the case has led to an online petition to the Prime Minister "to Widen the definition of 'Hate Crime', to include crimes committed against a person or persons, on the basis of their appearance or subcultural interests" on the 10 Downing Street website.
In May 2009 the Justice Minister Jack Straw said while he could not change the law, he could amend the sentencing guidelines to require judges to treat an attack on a member of a subculture as an aggravating factor similar to a racially motivated or homophobic assault when sentencing perpetrators'