The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122763   Message #2696163
Posted By: Gurney
08-Aug-09 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Semitism : A Mon Like Thee
Subject: RE: Anti-Semitism : A Mon Like Thee
Wealth is neither a character fault nor a reprehensible situation, so far as I've ever been aware. Since many Jews have been, and are, rich, usually due to their own efforts, I'd be more interested to hear THEIR reactions to that line than those of people raised to politically-correct educational standards.   Any offers?

Whilst we are exploring racism; in the present discussion should we not also decry all the anti-English songs (let alone lines!) that abound in our genre.
Fair's fair, if a Jew can't be called rich, what do we make of 'Brittania's Huns,with their long-range guns...'
Economic, eh, to decry both the English, the Germans, and advancing technology so succinctly. ;-)