The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2696225
Posted By: akenaton
09-Aug-09 - 02:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
Yes...I agree with Rig here.

These laws are indeed stupid, I'll give one example, on the West coast of Scotland there is a severe drug problem. I live near one small town with over 200 registered addicts and god knows how many others who are afraid to admit their problem and seek help.
The drug "business" used to be run by gangsters from Glasgow and Dumbarton, but gradulally has been taken over by the "tinkers" who have their own small "town" built at taxpayers expense and virtually beyond the reach of the law, because of stupid anti harassment laws.

The ex-travellers control almost all the drugs and all the illegal money lending which goes on to support the drugs trade....the retribution handed out to anyone who wont or cant pay them is vicious, stabbings and slashings are common.

Most of the local people hate the "tinkers", as they watch more of their kids come under the influence of drugs and to make it worse the police seem unable or unwilling to do anything about it.

Seems to me this sub-culture, rather than being victims, are victimising the rest of the community.

This is all factual,most of the sub-culture are inter related, so it does not mean that one or two bad apples are involved.

Would some of the "liberals" here please explain how they would deal with this problem?.....and I dont just mean, "move to Essex"...Ake