The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2696298
Posted By: GUEST,mauvepink
09-Aug-09 - 07:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
Emma took the words right out of my mouth almost! Thanks Emma. I would see this as you, and the majority of the traveller and gypsy community would - that being part of a minority does not give you any protection in breaking the law. I know of one gypsy woman - a Romany - who is the Poilce and Community Liaison for her group of folks. None of them travel around. They live on a site in their own caravans, pay council tax and work legitimately in the area.

She has a hard job because many gypsies have, historically, been treated badly by the authorities and there is still a lot of suspicion in some elders as to motives when people treat them 'nice'. Yes. Some gypsy/travellers commit crime but not all. Most are law abiding and accusing all 'tinkers' (which are menders or pots and pans) of being lawbreakers is like calling all men rapists because a man rapes a woman. We ALL have the ability to commit crime but because someone in our community breaks the law does not mean we all will or even want to.

People will often use the word 'liberal' as if it was an insult to hold such beliefs of equal treatment and fairness (though I am not suggesting that was akentons purpose). I believe ALL people should be treated the same, in life and in the law, and would welcome a day to come when we do not need hate laws or equality acts because every is treated and seen as the same. That will call on some minorities also to do some work too as we all need to integrate and respect each other if such laws and acts are to become a thing of the past

I remember being in a diversity training session with someone who had come from the gypsy/traveller community to speak to us. It was an eye opener and I would certainly hate to be treated like some of them get treated daily. I guess unless you have walked a mile in their shoes it can be hard to see sometimes what true discrimination and hate can mean. If I am correct the gypsys and travellers are very different too so do forgive any 'combining of titles' here. I do not mean to imply they are the same. Both have very long histories going back to before Christ.

I'll shush again now ;-)
