The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2696626
Posted By: Lox
09-Aug-09 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
I keepreading about witchhunts and about different cards being played.

It strikes me as hypocritical therefore to have to read in the same posts, the "liberals" card being thrown repeatedly and provocatively in peoples faces.

It says that the user of this card has a list of peopls that he considers to be "liberals" (I believe the inverted commas are an essential part of the term) and that he ascribes a world view to them that he fully and thoroughly understands, and which, if they understood it as well as he, they would drop like a hot potato as they might only then be able to look up from their limited perspective to see a wider and more enlightened view.

In fact, everyone on this site has their own point of view, and each is equally valid.

Some are backed up with evidence.


You DO generalize about "Liberals"

I read it again and again in your posts.

You do consistently take up a stance that is supportive of views that demonize minorities and you are the only mudcat member apart from the BNP rabble on here who gives the slightest credence to any of their immigration related twaddle.

And the only evidence you ever provide is anecdotal evidence that you've picked up down the pub.

You said in a previous thread that it is obvious that the governments policy on immigration is responsible for the BNP's popularity.

This claim is no different to ay other.

Without evidence it means nothing.

I don't know if you are playing devils advocate or not, but Dons observations are true and can be referenced throghout your posting history.

I am curious now to see if you have a response to this that doesn't involve hurling abuse at me.

In the past it has been your last resort and as you have protested vehemently that you are the furthest thing possible from a reactionary, people have cut you a lot of slack rather than upset you.

In fact, an objective analyisis of your posts compared to most other posts on here shows that there are many other members here who are significantly further from being reactionary's than you are.

Your inverse logic that their distance from such views in fact makes them more reactionary than you because they are the "true fascists" doesn't stand up to sustained scrutiny.

Don has said nothing that isn't true and the fact that you should call him a Prick rather than offer an intelligent and SUPPORTED explanation says more about you than it does about him.