The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2696769
Posted By: akenaton
10-Aug-09 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
Looks like you're the one who's been "down the pub" Lox, speaking for myself, I never visit the local and only drink alcohol on very rare occasions.
Basically you are calling me a liar, well, that is your right but I can assure you that I would never waste my valuable time coming here to tell lies.
What do you went me to do?....drag one of these vermin on here and make him confess?
The local police are well aware of what is going on and have said privately how they are frustrated by anti harassment legislation.

As most can surely understand, the point I am making is not a racial one, any more the points I made on the "gay" marriage threads were motivated by hatred of homosexuals....the point I am making here is how it is possible for certain minorities to abuse their "rights" and "special status".
You continually scream for evidence, yet all of your opinions are based not on evidence, but politically correct "liberal" dogma.

Don misrepresents everything I say here.... "You stoutly refute any suggestion of racist ideals, but by your own statements on this forum, you don't like homosexuals, gypsies, travellers, or tinkers. You are not mad keen on Muslims, Palestinians, or immigrants generally. And you absolutely HATE liberals with a passion, and regard them as responsible for all the ills of the world."
None of the above is true, read and understand!

I hate people who sell heroin to children.

I do not hate homosexuals....I think the practice of male homosexuality is extremely dangerous and should not be promoted as a safe and healthy lifestyle.

I don't hate gypsies, travellers, or tinkers in general....I dont know any gypsies and I do hate the particular group of tinkers who are distributing heroin to our kids

I dont hate Muslims or immigrants,..I think that Muslims don't wish to integrate with mainstream UK society, but I can understand why they dont. I dislike our government's policy of encouraging mass economic immigration, as I feel this causes racial tension...I do not dislike the immigrants, who are simply trying to do the best they can for themselves and their families.
I agree with the Palestinian cause.

I love real Liberals, who believe in freedom of thought and freedom of speech.

I think the other Orwellian "Liberals" who live by strict dogma, believe in thought crime and wish to stifle any debate, are misguided and an extreme danger to our society....much more of a danger than a handful of racist lunatics!

I do not "like" the BNPs position on anything, even immigration, as they , just like our government, want to use it as a tool to further their own cause.

Now if you can stick that lot in your memory banks, it will save much repetition.........and try to keep out of the pub Lox....remember every pint kills a thousand brain cells...:0)