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Thread #122763   Message #2697103
Posted By: GUEST,mg
10-Aug-09 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Semitism : A Mon Like Thee
Subject: RE: Anti-Semitism : A Mon Like Thee
Back to Old Black Joe. I think it is one of the most respectful songs ever written. I don't sing it because I understand it upsets people and it is taboo now. I respect their wishes...but I still don't get it.

It is my understanding that it is about a real person who worked in the house of a friend of his and he promised to write a song for or about this man. I do not know if this is true or false, if he was free (I hope) or a slave. It was a tribute supposedly to a particular man. I think when most of us heard the song it was with relief that someone had at least escaped the horrible work of the fields for hopefully better work in the house at least. I don't think it excuses slavery, I don't think anyone with any education would think it represents slavery in general or deludes themselves that it was a happy situation (after all a country had a civil war with huge massive loss of life and revenue to stop this). I think it helped to humanize one person and get people to change their thinking and lessen the dehumanization of people who were enslaved...and that is how slavery and other abuses are dehumanization..not they say fish don't notice the water...people are born into situations and things seem normal to them that should not.

Anyway, I think it is very extremely respectful song. It romanticizes what was probably a horrible life starting out in the cotton fields. But look how horrible lives were romanticized elsewhere..the life of the sailor, who had scurvey and VD and unset broken bones...or the railroad man...I've been working on the railroad..just to pass the time away...they say there is an Irishman buried under every tie. . I think it was partially a style..partially a way people had of coping..partially a way to get respect for other people who were not respected in society....

Well, I don't sing the song so don't worry..but I did listen on you tube to the Trapp family...give it a listen. If you have not heard the song, I think you should. It is quite beautiful. I would say don't sing the song because it is upsetting to people, but hear it and hear it with the intent that it was written.    mg