The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2697250
Posted By: akenaton
10-Aug-09 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
Right so you "liberals" obviously cant read.......I'll say it again
s l o w l y.
I dont think all "tinkers" are drug dealers....doh!!
I am talking about a specific group of "tinkers" who are selling drugs to addicts, selling drugs to children, lending money at extortionate rates of interest; and when the borrowers(usually addicts) refuse to repay the loans, slashing and stabbing them.

These vermin are taking advantage of their special status as a "recognised ethnic group" to evade prosecution.

Had they been ordinary gangsters they would have taken up residence in Barlinnie Hotel years ago.

"tinker" was the Scottish word describing itinerant workers, who travelled round the country assisting with farm work, harvesting etc, they also earned a meagre living selling hardware, bootlaces, buttons and houshold wares...they also used the "knock on the door" (begging)to suppliment their income.
Contrary to popular opinion, the old time "tinkers" were respected by the country folk and I recall that it was considered "bad luck" to turn them away from your door without a bite to eat, or some old clothing, if you could not afford their wares.

One of my earliest memories is of an old tinker couple who used to come round our area every year, they were Gaelic speakers and dressed in the old fashion...Plaid shawl and long skirt for the old lady....Highland bonnet, plaid jacket and trews for the old man.
They never slept indoors always preferring their bow tent(which they carried with them and erected in about ten minutes), even in the widest weather.
Their name was Cameron and had a bad end to their lives, being burned to death in their little tent on a cold December night about 1960.
They were remnants of the old Gaelic culture and Clan system which had all but disappeared by the time I was born

Unfortunately the only similarity between these two old freedom loving individuals and the tinkers of today is the name