The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122219   Message #2697374
Posted By: Bobert
10-Aug-09 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Yeah, Alice, you have it "right" (pun intended)... Small states tend to have less eductated people who are more vulnerable to emotionalism at the expense of the truth... Ripe for a Sarah Plain to come in and say that the government will decide on when you should die but then say that we should be having a "civil disucussion"... Hmmmmmmmm??? How can one have a civil discussion with anyone who thinks that health care reform means that the governemnt is going to kill you???

The answer???

You can't... There is no arguning with a sick minded person and from what I've seen and read, there are one heck of alot of very sick minded people out there...

But let something happen to them and guess where they will run to??? Yeah, the government...

Man, I oughtta turn into a rightie... Doesn't involve any actualy, ahhhh, thinking.... Then I could free up my mind fir more imporatnt stuff like "Survivor" or "American Idol".....

Ignorance ***is*** bliss...
