The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2698065
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
11-Aug-09 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
There is no place in the British Isles where the police are turning their backs on serious crime because a minority is involved.

Drug dealing is very difficult to prosecute, whatever the ethnic origin of the dealers. The main problem is that it is only the small fry who are vulnerable to arrest, and the bigger fish ensure that they are too terrified to talk.

I'm damn sure that your local police are pursuing these criminals, and will eventually catch them, and rightly so.

But of course it doesn't suit your shit stirring nature to subscribe to THAT philosophy, so you rather unsubtly remark that "Tinkers" have taken over crime from your home grown nasties (who, if memory serves, were quite a bit nastier than most).

This serves the not so hidden agenda of linking the crimes to a minority, and extrapolating, from there, to a position in which the police are hamstrung by "liberal" ideas.

It won't do Ake. The criminals commit crimes BECAUSE they are criminals, NOT because they are "Tinkers". Neither are the police turning a blind eye to crimes COMMITTED by Tinkers.

Now, before you come back and disagree with that, find some evidence, and I don't mean "My neighbour knows a man, whose sister-in-law knows somebody, whose cousin does the cleaning for the Chief Constables maiden aunt".

EVIDENCE MATE! The same stuff that is hindering the police effort to catch your criminals.

Don T (the prick with a mind of his own---that WORKS!)