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Thread #122866   Message #2698740
Posted By: Bill D
12-Aug-09 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Hilter=Obama campaign
Subject: RE: BS: The Hilter=Obama campaign
Donuel is on the right track.... I have been WAY too busy to type up the tangled web of right-wing scare tactics - funded by drug companies and insurance mega-companies. Rachael Maddow has indeed been exposing the details all the last week, and you...(ALL of you, especially conservatives)... would do well to go to her archived programs and listen to the clear, documented explanations of where these ersatz 'grass roots' protesters got their scripts!

The big moneyed groups opposing Health Care reform are scared... ANY change means less money for them, and they are pulling out all the stops to scare anti-abortion groups, the elderly, and various special interests with the idea that ANYTHING Obama does is tainted with *gasp* "SOCIALIST" ideas and will result in loss of freedom, euthanasia, ...and every other boogey-man scenario they can think of!

This is REAL... this campaign is being run, funded and scripted by pros! This is what they DO! They will lie, mislead, insinuate and otherwise misinform....partly out of a knee-jerk response to anything Obama does, but mostly for $$$$$$ retain and perpetuate their de-regulated Heaven on Earth that Reagan and Bush & Co, gifted them with. When Billions of $$$ are at stake, they will say anything