The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122415   Message #2700103
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Aug-09 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Anti BNP Protests - Luton
Subject: RE: BS: Anti BNP Protest, Codnor, 15 August
A reminder of who fairplay's democratic friends are lest we forget who we are talking about.
From Martin Walker's history 'The National Front - the fore-runner to the BNP before they went 'respectable'.
Jim Carroll

The most enjoyable part of the camp was the opportunity to get away from the cosmopolitanism of the cities and to live in the manner of our forefolk amidst the beauties of our own Northland, England. None will forget the comradeship round the campfire, with songs of our race and nation upon our lip and tankards of English ale in our hands.

We are the front fighters of the BNP,
True to our soil and people we will be.
Red Front and Jewry will finally fall;
Our race and nation will smash them all.

Policy statements:
Send those coloured immigrants already here back to their homelands.
Impeach the Tory Cabinet and the 1945-50 Labour Cabinet for their complicity in the black invasion and hold a trial of all those journalists who have aided and abetted them.

At the age 18, the half-caste would be given free passage to the country of its choice or he or she would be allowed to remain in Britain, enjoying all rights and privileges, including marriage, except for the fact that he or she would be legally enforced to undertake sterilization, under correct medical supervision.