The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #2700832
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
15-Aug-09 - 07:41 AM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village
Hooray! The Kelly twins are opening their Subway today in what used to be Mr Prosser's Concertina Emporium. The opening offer is a 6" Sub + drink + cookie all for a quid. It is noticed old Mr Prosser is first in the queue...

Elsewhere meanwhile, on the advice of the Rev. Tugtodger, Mrs Poulton is trying to reach Father James McSweeney at the presbytery of Saint Mary's over in East Rivington. Father James however is out making the most of the good weather by flying his scale model Fokker Triplane (complete with web-cam) on Rivington Heath.

As she puts the phone down, Mrs Poulton catches sight of a cat jumping up on the television set. Of course there is no cat, but the antique pottery penguin on the TV falls off on to the shag-pile carpet, thankfully unharmed. At this point she changes her plans for the day and goes out to take advantage of the offers at the new Subway.

'I hear you're having a spot of bother, Mrs Poulton - '
'Bother, Mr Prosser? Well, you'd know al about that I'm sure - '
'Never any bother here, Mrs Poulton - least not that sort - '
'So why sell up to the Kelly brothers when business was booming?'
'Can't get the weasels, Mrs Poulton - not anymore - not the good ones - '
'I thought you had young Dorchester catching them for you?'
'Cleaned 'em out, pretty much - and the new houses don't help - best weasel's allus came from Peg's Yard - everyone knows that - '
'A weasel is a weasel, surely?'
'Not for concertina bellows it ain't, Mrs Poulton. So what about this 'ere ghost they're on about? Cat is it?'
'Need you ask?'
'Never thought of just - putting it back?'
'I'm not having dead animals in my house, Mr Prosser - and I'm not about to give in to - superstition and - witchcraft, which is what it amounts too.'
'Funny that, you being into all that folk singing and all - never had any folk singing in my day I must say - new fangled bit of nonsense so it is. Still - kept me in business these many years!'
'I fail to see what singing traditional folk songs has got to do with - dead cats.'
'Funny old ways, Mrs Poulton - funny old ways - or so they say.'
'Anyway - what are the sandwiches like?'
'They're better toasted - but avoid the chillies - '