The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122219   Message #2701000
Posted By: Bill D
15-Aug-09 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
DO remember that the Wall Street Journal is now owned by Rupert Murdoch, and is showing all the symptoms of being just one more voice of the Conservative agenda.

As to Health Care, it is obvious (to me, anyway) that after many years of something like 1/3 of the country NOT being covered or having very inadequate coverage, any changes will take awhile to tweak and some may, indeed, find some services a bit slower and/or 'restricted' as we strive to train more doctors, adjust the rules & routines and generally learn to navigate the byways.
It will be, in some places, like having paving going on in front of your's inconvenient for awhile, but better in the long run. But you KNOW that many folks will have NO patience, and will characterize any personal inconvenience as 'failure' or even worse.

   I am WILLING to deal with it....I want everyone possible to have basic, decent care, and if *I* have to wait 30 days instead of 3 days for an be it! (I often can't get an appt. with a specialist for that long anyway!)

I am disgusted with the cries of **Socialized Medicine**, as if that says anything. It is "quality of life", not some abstract political label that interests me....and far too many folks now have a life that is "on the edge", and would welcome something a bit more 'social'.