The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4859   Message #27012
Posted By: Sheye
01-May-98 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: Objectionable Material - The sequel
Subject: RE: Objectionable Material - The sequel
I am way too lazy to read all this stuff, so am offering a personal view that may not be on track.

When I come across something offered for my enjoyment that I don't enjoy, I push the OFF button. I'm a big girl (grown-up, that is) and can make those decisions.

Regarding parenting, my philosophy is that I cannot (and again, I am much too lazy) censor my children's world to suit me. So instead of censoring, I walk through it with them. Example: With garbage music like this, I try to explain at their level that it can be dangerous because of the mob-mentality effect that works on people in groups. Hitler used this exact same technique for propaganda distribution. They (the kids) are already (5 & 8) making choices on their own and I am pleased that they are becoming comfortable reaching for the OFF button by themselves.

Example: One of the homes they visit plays only bible videos, and the mom wanted me to be aware that my children would be exposed to these videos if they chose to be in that home. Becuase of this we have had great discussions about mythology, societal belief systems, and what constitutes a good moral story. They ask me what is God, and I tell them several different views. They ask me if I believe in God and I say not the way organized religions present the concept. The five-year-old has informed me that he believes in God, but is second-guessing the whole Easter-bunny thing. He's using his tools and his mind and making his choices. Would he learn to do this in a censored world?

Now that I've spewed, I'll go back and read the thread...