The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23976   Message #270147
Posted By: Gervase
02-Aug-00 - 05:32 AM
Thread Name: Lammas
Subject: RE: Lammas
First cut of the harvest? Blimey, the seasons are going crazy. The barley at home was in two weeks ago and the stubble has already been ploughed in, while the second hay cut has long been and gone on the meadow and the sweet smell of the sileage is everywhere at the moment, mixing with the flinty smell of the freshly broken soil. After a shower of rain I can close my eyes, fill my lungs and believe I was in heaven (or at least drinking a nice flinty white Burgundy)!
BTW, am I right in thinking that 'aftermath' is the second hay cut, or am I going mad?).