The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32585   Message #2702027
Posted By: gecko
17-Aug-09 - 12:57 AM
Thread Name: Bodhran buying for beginner
Subject: RE: Bodhran buying for beginner
Here's my tuppence halfpennies worth: I play a tunable goatskin drum made by Brendan White - who, I am led to believe, also makes Christy Moore's drums. Absolutely wonderful tones and yes, it's a bit heavier especially if you are playing standing up for a while but it's not really a problem. What is more of a problem is that when the drum gets warmed up it emits a rank goatish smell. Anyone else had that problem? After a few sidelong glances from those in close proximity I have fallen into the habit of mentioning that it's the drum that smells, not me!
