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Thread #122219   Message #2702116
Posted By: Stu
17-Aug-09 - 06:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
I have to say, from the UK side of the Pond this discussion looks increasingly insane. Although it isn't, this is a matter that should be above politics; it's about everyone chipping in via taxation to ensure every member of society regardless of social status gets looked after if they're ill. It's all comes down to conscience: if you care about your fellow humans you will vote for it, if you couldn't give a shit then you won't. It really is that fundamental, that black and white. If the majority of people are in favour and it doesn't happen the you don't live in a democracy.

One good thing to come of this is the fact the Tories are in a spot of bother due to me laddo bullshitting the great US public about the NHS. Several of his bestest mates are distancing themselves from him, including David Gove on The Andrew Marr Show (prime political talk show in the UK) yesterday morning who in an excellent display of crapping on his mate's head went to great pains to explain how much he was in favour of keeping the NHS and ring-fencing expenditure in the face of the inevitable public service cuts to come after the election - a vote-winner for sure (Americans take note).

Coupled with that The Observer also reports a rift in the shadow cabinet as it appears some shadow ministers seem to want to do privatise the lot; I honestly think there would be riots on the streets should that happen. The toff Cameron is now trying to patch up the rift but as the paper points out the majority of his parliamentary party are the same old school Thatcherite sheep that so hate the poor and would gladly run down the most treasured institution in the country. We must beware!