The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2702202
Posted By: Lox
17-Aug-09 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
Mauvepink - thought you might fnd this interesting:

"So if they kill you because you are a Pagan or a Jew, then it is not a hate crime because that is something you decide for yourself to be."

sloppy indeed ...

A friend of mine recently informed me that he was Jewish, but wasn't a Jew. meaning that he was descended from Jewish heritage but did not practice judaism.

Rig is not offended, he is trying to be clever and in the process indicating how poorly informed he is.

His comments also ignore a fairly memorable event in history, not that long ago, when milions of people were murdered not because of their Jewish beliefs but because of their Jewish heritage, no metter how tenuous their connection to it.

As usual his flippancy leaves him with his foot firmly embedded in his mouth and if anyone has said anything offensive then it certainly isn't you mauvepink.