The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2702245
Posted By: GUEST,mauvepink
17-Aug-09 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
Well I certainly want no upsets over my words. choice of them or lack of full meaning :-) Perhaps, like so many when this subject crops up, he was seeking clarity. I forget: I know what I mean and am on about when I am writing but it often does not come out that way when written and read by others.

The law is clearer, and is getting clearer as they tweak what constitutes hate crime to a definition all can work with and understand, but it takes time I suppose for new ideas to become acceptable.

It is a difficult subject to be sure. What is fun to someone may cause instant offence to another. THAT is a very gray area. But I do think most know when something is offensive and crosses lines that years ago would not have raised an eyebrow. I am blonde and there are many blonde jokes 'out there'. I would not dream of shouting 'hate crime against blondes' because someone makes a joke about my hair colour. However, most will know when a joke gets to bullying and when someone is being singled out with full discrimination. It is that kind of thing that puts us in hate crime territory.

I make jokes about men: men makes jokes about women. Heaven forbid that humour between the genders is ever criminalised but I do understand the fears of some who think that, inevitably, that is what will happen if we take these 'liberal and PC ideas' too far. It is true that many people now have to be more careful and think about what comes out of their mouths in a joke. I do not blame the 'PC brigade or liberals' for that though. It has come about because people have not changed with the times and kept taking things too far. I truly wish we lived in a world that did not need such laws but, increasingly we do, as we give equal/fair credence to our fellow humans... ALL of them. Respect and common sense really are good bedfellows it seems.

I suspect the more I try and give explanation then the more I stand to make mistakes and upset others. If being a liberl is the worse I can be called I am happy to wear the label, wrong though it be, as there are worse things to be.

Some laws are daft. Some are stupid. Some are plain non sensical. But I would sooner have law than none at all. My being expected to treat other individuals fairly and with due respect costs me nothing at all. It would cost no-one anything... unless they cross that line that is defined in law. I do not agree with all the laws for certain. But, it is what we have to abide by in a civilised society. I for one would sooner be on this side of that divide than the other.

But then I would also defend the right of anyone who disagrees to be able to say so too :-)

I'll shush once more lol
