The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122415   Message #2702285
Posted By: Emma B
17-Aug-09 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anti BNP Protests - Luton
Subject: RE: BS: Anti BNP Protest, Codnor, 15 August
and one who never made the festival....

American white supremacist Preston Wiginton was stopped by UK Border Agency officials at Heathrow Airport and sent back to New York, as he attempted to make his way to the festival.

Wiginton first appeared on the white nationalist scene in October 2005, not long after he turned 40, when he attended Hammerfest, a neo-Nazi skinhead festival in Draketown, Ga

One month after Hammerfest, he organized a lecture at Texas A&M University by anti-immigration extremist Frosty Wooldridge.

When about 100 anti-racist protesters surrounded Wiginton and Wooldridge in a "free speech zone," Wiginton threatened to "bring in the Hammerskins," apparently a reference to members of Hammerskin Nation, a nationwide coalition of violent skinhead gangs.

Wiginton's next public move was the NoAztlan aerial banner campaign. By his own account, he paid $5,500 for a gigantic banner that bore the message, "USA LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT," a crossed-out Mexican flag and the Internet address of Wiginton's conspiracy theory website NoAztlan.Com (a reference to an alleged secret plan by Mexico to reconquer the southwestern United States)

The website it promotes contains an essay by Wiginton that describes non-white immigration as "an abnormal growth that is threatening the life of American culture and the life of American people. If action is taken, and time is of the essence, this cancer can be eradicated,"

He strategically limits his Jew-bashing and endorsements of racially motivated violence to his personal website and a handful of white supremacist online forums including Stormfront, which he joined in October 2006 using the screen name "Ruskybound."

He has since repeatedly boasted on Stormfront of his close relationship with Alexander Belov, the former spokesman for the Russian ultranationalist and virulently anti-Semitic group Pamyat.

last October he co-sponsored another lecture at Clemson with the Council of Conservative Citizens a white supremacist organization - this one by Nick Griffin, the Holocaust-denying chairman of the BNP.