The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2702425
Posted By: akenaton
17-Aug-09 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
"Maybe what we could all would support would not be a Hate Crime law but proper sentencing with ALL reasons for the crime taking place being taken into account and holding their own extra penalties?"

Our politicians are much more interested in keeping the crazy social/economic system that they are wedded to, on the road, than they are in justice.

Our society is now so corrupt and twisted out of shape, that it has become all but impossible to police. You are correct to say that the punishment no longer fits the crime in many cases, but justice is obviously tempered by what is "affordable"

It makes me sick to see our governments printing hundreds of billions to save a discredited financial system, yet finding it "impossible" to come up with even a few million to alleviate some of our social problems.

The "liberal" smokescreen of concern for racial and behavioural minorities, while the whole fabric of society is in the process of disintegration, verges on lunacy. Rather than ask the relevant questions of our representatives, they promote a nightmare landscape of "thought crime" and "rights for all" regardless of their behaviour; a typical example being the furore exhibited on these threads over the cranks who compose the membership of the BNP....crazies who pose no real danger, while our "democratic liberal" governments attack other nations at will and oversee an economic system which robs us of our savings, our liberty and our childrens future.