The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #2702567
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
17-Aug-09 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village
Is this instruments difficult to get to grips with (I won't be so presumptious as to say "master")? It seems perfect for getting somehow to the heart of traditional folk song, and giving it a setting which emphasises a necessary other-world quality. I'm also fascinated by the left-hand/fingering/holding technique in which the instrument seems to float.

I bought mine very cheaply off Ebay three or four years ago to use for a series of nocturnal al-fresco winter woodland storytelling gigs having watched traditional Karadeniz Kemence players on YouTube. The ergonomics of the instrument are that you do play it dangling off the thumb, and can push it up to the floating horizontal. It's tuned in 4ths (EAD) so the finger positions are easy and it gives me pretty much any tune I ask of it. Problem is - getting a good one. Mine is exceptional amongst other cheap ones I've seen which tend to be pretty unplayable. The Turkish Karadeniz Kemence is more or less the same instrument as the Greek Pontic Lyra. I'm giving serious thought to progressing onto the Lyra, but it'll cost a lot more than the £20 I paid for my Black Sea Fiddle.

There is a nice site - - with some fine instruments, though the maker seems very fond of jewels! I do like his four-string with the fiddle head; I often dream of a fourth string (thoughif you capo a violin it's possible to play it like a kemence, though you do get odd looks).   

I am no master (check out the traditional players / singers on YouTube; THIS ONE is an especial favourite!) but I took to the instrument like a duck to water. If you go to the SHIBBOLETH myspace page & listen to the track Terra Suum Oss you'll hear a duo improvisation recorded with percussionist Clive Powell when I'd had the instrument for a week. Thing is, whilst I've learned a lot of tunes & songs over the years, I don't think I actually play it now any better than I did back then!