The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122690   Message #2702767
Posted By: Riginslinger
17-Aug-09 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hate laws
Subject: RE: BS: Hate laws
I tried to submit this message a number of times earlier.

               Lox, let me tell you how I was a victim of affirmative action!

               I was in business with a partner in the San Francisco Bay Area when the George H. W. recession hit. The private work dried up completely.
               The state of California let out a freeway project for 80 million dollars--Keiwit Pacific got that one. There was no way we could bond it--let alone do it in any kind of a reasonable fashion.
               Then they put out 3 million dollars worth of small projects, divided into about 16 different jobs. But it turned out all of these projects were minority-set-aside jobs. We couldn't bid on these projects either. The freeway job represented the "white money."
               There was nothing to do, and nothing we could even bid on. We had to lay off all our people and go out of business. A number of the fellows who worked for us lost their homes and everything they'd worked for for years--as did myself and my partner.
               If you were to ask one of those guys today what he thought about affirmative action, he'd probably take your head off. I wouldn't blame him.

               This kind of thing happens all the time!