The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122219   Message #2703423
Posted By: Bobert
18-Aug-09 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
I believe it is time for Obama to step out from behind his shield and just lay out what *he* wants... Letting Congress come up with a plan is a waste of time... Congress is terribly dysfuntional and not capable... Congress has had enough time to put together sevarl frameworks and Obama is wasting time if he thinks that he can get any Republicans on board... That won't happen...

Yeah, it's time for him to stand up and be who folks who voted for him thought they were getting... His poll numbers aren't dropping because he's trying to get bipartisan support... They are dropping because he hasn't stood tall in the saddle...

Screw the Repubs... They are no more than pesky gnats bhuzzin' around Obam's head...

Tell ya'll what... You know this ol' hillbilly ain't really no Dem but I did work for Obama 'cause I thought he had the courage to stand up to special interests... If he doesn't support a public option and fight fir it he will have lost me... I'll just go right back to the Green Party and never look back... This was a real iffy thing for a Greenie to support Obama and lots of us aren't gonna stick too long if this guy folds his tent becasue a few loonies show their asses on TV... That ain't courage in my book...

Obama knows exactlt where the progressive wing stand on this issue... He doesn't need to hear from me... He knows that coops won't fix anything... This ain't rocker surgery here...

No public option and no more support for this administration from this ol' hillbilly...

Square business!!!
