The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23976   Message #270344
Posted By: Peg
02-Aug-00 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: Lammas
Subject: RE: Lammas
from a song written with Burns' brilliant poem in mind: (used to sing this with a pagan choir):

Lammas Night

The grain was reaped, the bins were full
The country danced, I with the Harvest Queen
She took my hand and led me through the night
Among the rigs of barleycorn

'Neath the rigs of bareycorn,
Come my Harvest Queen and lay with me once more,
and let me taste the honey of your love
Among the rigs of barleycorn...

She came to me on Lammas Night I lay with her and nested in her down
The moon round and full caressed her swollen breasts
Among the rigs of barleycorn


The newly-turned earth became our summer bed
My heart cried deeply for this night to never end
As she took me down within her rounded thighs,
Among the rigs of barleycorn
