The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122415   Message #2703461
Posted By: GUEST,Sam
18-Aug-09 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anti BNP Protests - Luton
Subject: RE: BS: Anti BNP Protest, Codnor, 15 August
Good God in the name of Christ will you allow people the right to vote, speak and express views without rattling on with silly unsubstantiated worthless cut and paste articles from some smart arsed student rag.

Yes I attended the wonderful celebration of our heritage last Saturday, yes I saw "the great unwashed" arrive, frankly we viewed them as sad people out on their annual one day social occasion seeking to either make a deal for gear or to cause trouble. What in the name of God can a handful of luvvies ever hope to achieve by such actions ?

I want the Britain back I grew up in, I look at those beautiful Ealing studio classics and see the land my father and grandfather fought to protect from invasion and watch a Labour party filled with shirttail lifters standing on the cliffs of Dover with open arms to any Tom, Dick or Harry.

Those arrows on the lead titles of Dad's Army aren't fictional, they are the reality of government policy to destroy this once great nation.

Delete my post if you wish, sometimes the truth is the hardest pill to swallow.