The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122219   Message #2703938
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Aug-09 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Bobert, you remember back in the 2008 election when you were expressing the hope that Barack Obama would prove to be a "trojan horse" who would sneak past the ruling system (the very rich and the corporations) and that electing him would put a man in the White House who would really be a true representative of the American people and of progressive causes?

I hoped you were right. I liked Mr Obama's speeches, some of which were downright brilliant (like the talk he gave on race relations). I liked his conduct, his dignified and eloquent style, and his generally very positive attitude, and his ability to listen to others.

What I have seen, however, since January is a president who is serving the same old set of entrenched interests that his predecessors served. He has rewarded the irresponsible robber barons in the major banks with an unprecedented bailout instead of coming to the aid of the people genuinely in need....the public and the small business community. Who will pay the cost of that bailout? The public. Who has gotten rich off it? The banks.

He is now giving a huge gift to the private health insurance companies instead of giving the USA what it actually needs: a single payer public health plan.

I think he IS a trojan horse, Bobert. But he's a trojan horse for the other side. He's a trojan horse in the guise of a humanitarian "progressive" who is in truth working on behalf of the rich who run the ruling system. He's doing it with real style too. Many people who voted for him will go on believing in him even as their hopes for positive change are being dashed.

I'm very sorry to say it. I'm very disappointed. I think that you good people who voted for him have been led down the garden path.

And if you'd voted for McCain instead? Well, that wouldn't have helped at all. The $ySSTem is rigged. They will not put a candidate in front of you who does not compliantly serve the $ySStem once he's elected. NO chance of it. But if they can find one like Obama who looks and sounds like the kind of change you want...but isn't....well, they'll do that, because it's all just a show anyway. It's a drama like a WWF wrestling match, calculated to push all the right emotional buttons in the audience.

What you see is not what you get.

Only the few watchdogs like Dennis Kucinich will tell you what's really going on, and the $ySStem will never let one of those guys be president.

Those two huge parties...the Democrats and Republicans...can't help you. They are not representing you. They're representing the people who finance them on the largest scale...and that's people like banks, insurance companies, and major corporations. Those people are not progressives.
