The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122999   Message #2704526
Posted By: Will Fly
20-Aug-09 - 07:04 AM
Thread Name: 1008 ukuleles at the Albert Hall
Subject: RE: 1008 ukuleles at the Albert Hall
Revive it if it's worth reviving is the point. And people who are interested in arts and cultural matters don't do them because they consciously want to be good at another land's culture. They do them because they find them interesting, stimulating, exciting, tempting.

In the 1950s, as I well recall, Sunday lunch often included vegetables that were boiled to hell and back - to the point of being a smelly mush. Should we revive that method of cooking simply because it was "English"? Do try and get a handle on this, David: just because something is (as you think) "native" to one's country doesn't necessarily make it inherently good or worthwhile.

You don't seem to be able to get away from a point of view which dictates that artistic expression - or any other expression - has to flow from a nationalist ideology. It doesn't work that way. When you finally understand this, you might start to talk some sense.

Anyway, enough of you, WAV - I must hie me back to my new tenor guitar - an instrument with 4 strings, tuned like a viola, which arose in the 1920s as an alternative device for band musicians who had trained on fiddles and/or tenor banjo. A great instrument, which lends itself to traditional tunes and to jazz.

An example here. You might note, in passing, that this sort of stuff was a huge favourite of Jim Copper.