The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122219   Message #2705101
Posted By: DougR
20-Aug-09 - 08:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
That is why, McGrath, I think Obama should have concentrated on helping the "have nots." Those who cannot afford health care, those who have pre-existing problems that prevent them from getting it, and those who lost health care when they changed jobs. When this thread began I mentioned a figure of (as I recall)15 million that would fall in those categories. I was derided, hooted, called an idiot, etc. for stating such a low figure. The figure is closer to 50 million, they cried!

The latest reports I have heard peg the figure at around 12 million. The figure is arrived at by estimating the number of people who qualify for a federal program and have not applied, people who can afford health care but prefer to drive a Rolls Royce or live in a 8,000 sq. ft. home, and young people who don't think they need it. Estimates of the number in this group is around 15 million. Then there are an estimated 12 million illegals living in the country who are owed nothing.

Making health care available for 12 million citizens would cost a helluva lot less than trying to completely overhauling the entire health system, and probably would be doable.
