The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122415   Message #2705397
Posted By: Jamming With Ollie Beak (inactive)
21-Aug-09 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Anti BNP Protests - Luton
Subject: RE: BS: Anti BNP Protests - Luton
Well, well, well, where IS Master James now, with his yapping poodles of rascism, hatred and intolerance about his feet?

It is indeed a victory for common sense and we can only hope that there are more decisions like this in the future. We must not let down our guard though, we should be campaigning with a focus on getting this scum banned from the streets of Luton and other places, for good, yes, yes, I know this makes me sound like a dictator, but as far as I'm concerned, the good of the many far over-rides the racist needs of the BNP and their lackies.

Stand and Be Counted

Olivia Beak (Ms)