The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56636   Message #2705543
Posted By: Newport Boy
21-Aug-09 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: Canal songs (UK)
Subject: RE: Canal songs (UK)
Adding to my post of 26 Feb, I've found a few more verses to the Neath and Swansea Junction Canal. This gives me 5 of the 19 verses.

I've started a new thread here to track my progress on the rest and to fill in background detail. Note Elizabeth Davies's original title:

Lines on the Neath and Red Jacket Junction Canal

O! could I make verses with humour and wit,
George Tennant, Esquire's great genius to fit;
From morn until even, I would sit down and tell,
And sing in the praise of Neath Junction Canal.

To his noble genius, great merit is due,
The increase of traffic, he'll daily pursue;
Employ to poor labourers, it is known full well
He gave them by making Neath Junction Canal.


But I think that my duty I do not fulfill
If I pass Mr Kirkhouse's very great skill.
He exerted his talents as wonderf'lly well
In that great undertaking; Neath Junction Canal

My song it is ended and now I will rest
In hopes Squire Tennant will ever be blest.
His goodness to the poor there is no tongue can tell
Of his courage in making Neath Junction Canal.

I hope when he's dead and laid in his grave,
His soul will in heaven be eternally saved;
It will then be recorded for ages to tell,
Who was the great founder of Neath Junction Canal.

Neath, March 1 1824    Elizabeth Davies
