The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123066   Message #2705750
Posted By: Donuel
21-Aug-09 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: anyone know anything about Bats
Subject: RE: BS: anyone know anything about Bats
A rabies bite is usually a single minded unprovoked attack but a bite from being grabbed sounds only defensive.

We play with bats every nite we use the pool. She uses the lights for bug collection and swoops low to take a drink on the wing. She will even fly within a foot of our heads which we find great fun. Her name is Betty Bat

Our bat seems solitary compared to previous years when several were seen at once.

Parasitic disease is a bitch but it can come from anywhere from plants to insects to fish etc.
Mice can carry Hanta virus in thier feces which is fatal to humans without treatment.