The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122219   Message #2706374
Posted By: DougR
22-Aug-09 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Funny, no one is complaining about Acorn and Union members being bussed to Town Hall meetings to support Obama Care. Lots of complaints about normal every day citizens showing up to oppose it though.

Don: If I needed knee replacement and had to wait six to eight weeks to get the operation, I'd be less charitable than you are. My wife had to have a knee replaced and there was nothing like that lapsing between the diagnosis and the operation. As a matter of fact, she went for her last check-up on the knee on a Friday and I mentioned to the surgeon that she had been complaining about her hip hurting too. I took a picture of the hip and even I could see that it was broken. We estimate it had been for fifteen months. He scheduled hip replacement for the following Wednesday.

Somewhere out there there MUST be somebody who, though he or she could afford health insurance but doesn't have it drives a Rolls Royce.

No, Ebbie, I would not be surprised to see someone who is a staunch defender of Obama's efforts to nationalize health care interviewed on Fox news. As I matter of fact, proponents are on Fox News daily. I don't recall seeing professional people such as the former president of the Canadian Medical Society interviewed, but there are few of them around. When someone like Dr. Brian Day, MD, speaks, he does so with experience and authority.

Dr. Day also said: 5 million Canadians do not have prescription drug coverage; at any given time, 1 million Canadians are waiting for services and another million waiting for surgeries; Doctors in Canada have overwhelmingly urged an overhaul of the Canadian system. The evaluation of the 29 medical systems (with Canada coming in 29th)was NOT the effectiveness of teh system, but value for money spent.

Please note: I am not saying the above, I'm merely reporting what the former president of the Canadian Medical Association said.
