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Thread #108718   Message #2707044
Posted By: Little Hawk
24-Aug-09 - 12:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Seen any good movies lately?
Subject: RE: BS: Seen any good movies lately?
I thought "Doubt" was very good. Not exactly enjoyable, mind you...but very good. (I'm not what do I know?) ;-)

"Atonement" is an utterly superb film. 10 out of 10!

"The Reader" is a superb and very moving film that really gives the viewer a great deal to think about...specially if they can honestly relate to the 2 main characters in the film and put themselves hypothetically in their place without any prejudgement. "What would I have done if it were me and this happened to me?" "What would many others have done if it were them?" That is the question the viewer must ask himself or herself...if inclined to look directly and unflinchingly at the very real possibility that something like this can happen to anyone, given certain circumstances.

"Revolutionary Road" is quite good. It's also pretty damn harrowing to watch, so only watch it if you're ready for a heavy evening.

"Taken" is a perfect action film. It's a bit unbelievable at times...but you can't fault it for engaging your attention 100%, and Liam Neeson makes the best secret agent of all time. Bond is mere oatmeal in comparison to Liam Neeson in "Taken".'s another vote for Daniel Craig as the best James Bond my opinion. I was prepared to be surprised at the first movie he portrayed Bond in, and I was. "Casino Royale" was wonderful. "Quantum of Solace" is only a so-so movie in comparison, but Craig is still excellent as James Bond in both films. You believe he's as tough as the part requires him to be.

"Apaloosa" is a terrific recent western.

"Juno" was very good. Best movie about a teenager that I've seen.

I really liked "W". But then, I like EVERY movie made by Oliver Stone. The only character who seemed not to have been caught very effectively in it to me was Condoleeza Rice. Cheney and Dubya were played extremely convincingly.

And lastly: I loved "Frost/Nixon" ...or is it "Nixon/Frost"??? Whatever. It's great.