The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35080   Message #2707216
Posted By: Betsy
24-Aug-09 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: 'Singing Together' - BBC Song Booklets
Subject: RE: 'Singing Together' 1958 UK
My recollection ( I was born in November 1947 – i.e. school years were decided on your date of birth ) so before leaving Junior school it must have been 1956 / 7 maybe 58 they had a competition to choose the most popular song of the school year .
The winner which wasn't particularly well–received in our school was Marianina (see Jon Freeman's unbelievably comprehensive list).
The refrain / chorus went "Marianina , Marianina, come, oh come, and turn us into foam."
Jeez – they don't write 'em like that any more.
Perhaps that's where the seeds were planted Eh?
I would love to make the singing of all these songs compulsory between 5 and 11 years with accent on Scottish ones in Scottish Schools, Welsh ones in Wales etc – but I can already feel as I type - some PC prick ready to batter me down.
They were a great way to learn the English language and how words could and can be used, and putting some melody into your life.
They were also a fabulous antidote to the American songs which were flooding our limited airwaves after the War – Yellow rose of Texas, What did Delaware boys etc. but THAT is another story which starts and ends ( I believe) with the Beatles .Hopefully the Beatles were influenced by the Subject matter – after all it was their era – it would be an interesting question to pose to Sir Paul Macca.

